The Nebraska Public Service Commission has established documentation requirements for the July 2013, ICC/USF reform tariff filings. All local exchange carriers that need to revise their access rates must file revised tariffs by June 21, 2013. However, the PSC “encourages” carriers to voluntarily file access tariffs on or before May 9, 2013, to allow the PSC to review the tariff changes earlier. Carriers that have no need to revise their access tariffs because their rates are already compliant with FCC rules must file a written notice explaining why their current rates are compliant by June 1, 2013. Carriers that do not charge other carriers for intrastate access must also provide written notice to the PSC by June 1, 2013. Tariffs should have an effective date of July 1, 2013. The PSC previously issued an Index of all LECs authorized to provide telecommunications services in Nebraska that includes a docket number which will be used to track and identify filings and documentation received by the PSC. All carriers must reference their applicable indexed docket number in their filings.