In December 2012, the FCC issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to consider whether it should change its rules to ensure just and reasonable inmate calling services rates for interstate, long distance calling at publicly- and privately-administered correctional facilities.
The workshop will be held on July 10, 2013, in the FCC’s Meeting Room (TW-C305), 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20554. It will be free and open to the public. It will also be streamed live at
The FCC also released a Statement from FCC Acting Chairwoman Mignon Clyburn. She has been
outspoken about the issue of high inmate calling rates. Her statement reads as follows:
“Reforming the inmate calling regime is a Commission priority. All too often the price of
a single phone call from an inmate eclipses the cost of basic monthly service, and this weighs heavily on the economically disadvantaged.
We must do everything that we can to ensure a reasonable mechanism for families to
stay in touch with loved ones. Some studies indicate that having meaningful contact beyond the prison walls can make a real difference in maintaining community ties, promoting rehabilitation and reducing recidivism.
I look forward to a robust dialog on options for reform, to learning what our state counterparts have done, as well as to hearing from all stakeholders, including service providers and inmate families.”
We will attending this workshop. Please watch our Blog for updates and more information.