September 1st is here, for all intents and purposes. For companies filing their 477 broadband reports, data summaries can be filed via the FCC 477 Electronic Filing System. The time required to manually enter data into the FCC’s 477 system can be substantial. Especially if you provide broadband service in multiple states using multiple technology types.
TMI gives the telecom service providers we work with files in .txt and .xml formats, so that all broadband data can be uploaded directly by the client to the FCC filing system without manual entry. As an option, one of our Compliance Reporting Associates can upload the data for your company as well as enter any local exchange service data required for Parts II through V of the FCC Form 477.
If the above sounds a bit complicated, it is. However, our simplified 477 broadband reporting process allows companies to send us location records – with some additional data – which we then process, summarize, and return in human readable and electronic files ready for submission to the FCC. For many companies, we also assist with input to the FCC’s 477 electronic filing system.
Twice each year, we process over 2 million subscriber records for over 40 facility-based broadband service providers including CLECs, ILECs and cable companies. Contact us to find out more about how we can help you file by September 1st and avoid late fees or fines.