Starting a Blog article with what happened over the summer is like show and tell in elementary school class “What I did Over Summer Vacation.” But, various state agencies have been busy while you may have been on your “Summer Vacation.” If you do not subscribe to TMI’s VoIP (Digital Phone) Requirements, you have missed some of the recent update information that we include in this publication. It has been an interesting summer for providers of VoIP Services.
Items you may have missed include:
Released in September 2013, the USF fourth quarter 2013 Universal Service Fund contribution factor of $0.156.
New Hampshire
In July, a new law in New Hampshire clarified that a provider of VoIP services may not be regulated as a public utility or an electing local exchange carrier. However, VoIP service providers must still comply with consumer protections and unfair or deceptive trade practice protections. The assessment of 911 fees, TRS fees, and other related fees still apply.
Other states were engaged in similar activities this summer. If you have any questions regarding Arkansas, Kansas, or Wyoming, please do not hesitate to contact me at or call 407-740-3025.
As for our popular VoIP (Digital Phone) Requirements publication, the subscribers I deal with enjoy the upfront chart that indicates, at-a- glance, if a state requires certification or registration; if 911, USF, TRS, or other Fees are assessed; and if the state agency has restricted regulation of VoIP. Those kinds of details can help determine which markets to consider entering next and used to review whether they have met the requirements in the states where they currently operate. That is so much easier than receiving a notification from an agency that your company has not met requirements. Fees and fines can not only erode your bottom line, but may prevent you from offering services in markets that you had planned to grow into.
I can forward a sample to you, if you would like.Or, you can go to our online demo available here
TMI’s Fall Regulatory Seminar in Maitland, FL is Oct. 24 & 25. See below for registration information.