Three months following the release of its September 18 Report and Order on the Dedicated Service/Special Access Data Collection requirements (see September 19 post, FCC Issues Final Order on Special Access Data Collection), the FCC has submitted the collection requirements to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval as required under the Paperwork Reduction Act. Comments are due by January 8, 2014, and OMB will have 30 days following that date to issue a decision. Sometime soon thereafter (assuming OMB approval), we expect the FCC to issue a Public Notice announcing the due date for responses to the extensive data request. We anticipate that responses will be due 90-120 days following OMB approval — sometime in the May-June timeframe. Considering the expansive nature of the data request, the dedicated service providers and purchases who are required to respond will need to begin work on this effort soon to ensure compliance–which is mandatory–by the deadline.
In its submission to OMB, the FCC estimated that there would be 6,400 respondents to the data request, who would each require, on average, 146 hours to respond. (Two parties had estimated response times of 15,000 and 40,000 hours in prior submissions to the FCC. ) The FCC estimated an annual cost of $10 million for the collection effort.
See previous Blogs from Sharon Thomas regarding Special Access Data Collection:
FCC Issues Final Order on Special Access Data Collection Sept 19, 2013
TMI Learns Details of Special Access/Broadband Data Request Aug 05, 2013
Download TMI’s FCC Special Access Data Collection Regulatory Bulletin here.
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