ICC Reform Step 3 filings

At Technologies Management, Inc., we assist a wide variety of telecom providers in calculating and filing access reduction rates. We have posted a number of blog articles to help keep our industry affiliates informed of developments (see previous blog articles  Further Switched Access Reductions Effective July 1, 2014 dated 4/1/14, and  Early Access Reduction Filings Ordered By Some States dated 5/5/14).


We are pleased to announce the release of our ICC Reform “Step 3” Rate Reduction Summary, available to current subscribers to the Switched Access Study and the CLEC Switched Access Rate Cap Summary, at no additional cost. This Summary contains essential ILEC terminating end office switched access rates that CLECs are required to use as benchmarks. We now have initial rate filings available and will update (again, at no cost) if the ILEC terminating end office rate elements included in this rate tool change after the July 1st deadline.


Whether mirroring ILEC rates or building composite rates, state and federal deadline pressures limit time and personnel for research of applicable ILEC rates. We are pleased to release this easily navigated spreadsheet tool to assist our clients. TMI’s ICC Reform “Step 3” Rate Reduction Summary is available now. Contact Karen Ritter kritter@inteserra.com or your TMI Regulatory Consultant to receive your Summary.


If you are not subscribing to our rate products, the Summary is available for a low, flat rate, per ILEC tariff. Call 844-782-7864 or email Karen Ritter at kritter@inteserra.com.



Switched Access Study Anchor Text


CLEC Switched Access Rate Cap Summary Anchor Text


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