The Regulatory Mix

The Regulatory Mix, TMI’s daily blog of regulatory activities, is a snapshot of PUC, FCC, legislative, and occasionally court, issues that our regulatory monitoring team uncovers each day. Depending on their significance, some items may be the subject of a TMI Regulatory Bulletin.




The FCC is seeking comment on a request by PayTel Communications, Inc. for  an extension of the limited, temporary, waiver of the FCC’s inmate calling service rule granted on February 11, 2014. PayTel argues that “[t]he special circumstances that the Bureau found warranted the Waiver less than nine months ago still exist, and extension of the Waiver’s terms remains firmly in the public interest.” It asks for a continuation of the waiver until the FCC takes action on intrastate rates or adopts a permanent ICS rate structure and rate caps. Comments are due November 12, 2014; reply comments are due: November 19, 2014.



CenturyLink is asking the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission for forbearance of its Operating Support System (OSS) performance requirements imposed in 1999. Specifically, CenturyLink is asking the Commission to eliminate all OSS performance reporting requirements for CenturyLink, including its OSS performance data collection efforts and the need to make CLEC-specific data available for any Indiana CLEC. In support of its petition, CenturyLink asserts there have been no complaints or investigations into its OSS performance results or its data collection efforts. It alleges that the OSS performance requirements continue to impose significant compliance costs on CenturyLink, but no longer provide any discernible competitive benefits.


Institutional Rates Summary


OSP Regulatory and Rate Summary