FCC Special Access

Last week the FCC released several important notices concerning its Special Access Data Collection. As a reminder, the due dates are as follows:


  • December 15, 2014, for entities required to file a streamlined certification only;
  • January 29, 2015, for large businesses with more than 1,500 employees as measured at the parent company level; and
  • February 27, 2015, for other entities required to provide data and information in response to the data collection (i.e., entities with 1,500 or fewer employees).

First, the FCC announced that the database container for its special access data collection is now available for downloading. The FCC said it would make a separate announcement when the functionality to upload the container to its secure web site is available. The container is necessary for the submission of numerical-type data, e.g., data on billing and connected locations, in response to the collection questions.

In connection with the Database Container, the FCC released a Technical Manual that describes the process for loading  .txt files into the container and updated Instructions that specify the format for organizing data into the comma delimited  .txt files.

Second, the FCC announced it will hold a webinar and walk-through of the Special Access #SpecialAccessData Collection database container on Thursday, December 18, 2014, from 11 a.m. to noon EDT. During the webinar, FCC Wireline Competition Bureau staff will discuss the procedures for creating and loading the database container and answer questions. Participants will have an opportunity to submit questions before and during the session by sending questions to SPADCOutreach@fcc.gov. Instructions on how to register are available here.

Finally, the FCC once again updated its Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about its Special Access Data Collection.  See our most recent Special Access Data Collection Update blog dated 12/9/14 .  As before, the document does not indicate what changed. To assist our clients, we again compared the documents and identified the item below as “new.”  We’ve included the name of the FAQ section that changed as well as the number of the specific new question.


The following are the new question added December 12, 2014.

Competitive Provider Questions (Section II.A)

9. Are municipalities required to provide a map showing fiber routes that

municipalities never intended to provide as a commercial service offering? (Question


In answering Question II.A.5, municipalities, including public utilities, must map fiber routes

that they expect to be used to serve additional Locations within the next 5 years.

Conversely, municipalities, including public utilities, do not have to map fiber routes if they

expect that no additional Locations will be served over those specific fiber routes within the

next 5 years. Municipalities are required to provide information on Locations connected to

their network, even if those Connections are not currently capable of providing service, for

example, even if the Connection only consists of unlit dark fiber.



Regulatory Briefing

Analysis of Lowest Price Cap ILEC sample

Inteserra Local Filing Tracker