The Regulatory Mix, TMI’s daily blog of regulatory activities, is a snapshot of PUC, FCC, legislative, and occasionally court issues that our regulatory monitoring team uncovers each day. Depending on their significance, some items may be the subject of a TMI Regulatory Bulletin.
The FCC announced it had accepted for filing the applications of Charter Communications, Inc., Time Warner Cable, Inc., and Advance/Newhouse Partnership (Bright House Networks) for consent to transfer control of various FCC licenses and authorizations in connection with their proposed merger. The matter has been assigned MB Docket No. 15-149. The FCC said it will be issuing a protective order in connection with the proceeding and, once it does so, will issue a public notice setting forth a pleading cycle. Once the pleading cycle begins, the FCC will start the informal 180-day clock for this merger proceeding. The FCC’s Public Notice provides summary information about proposed transaction. You can read the entire public version of the application here.
PSC Staff requests that Missouri utilities, including telecom utilities it identified and all ILECs, respond to a list of 22 questions concerning cybersecurity and physical infrastructure security In a presentation at a March 2015 Workshop, Staff noted that NARUC Cybersecurity Primer 2.0 says that “states may wish to consider establishing a critical infrastructure information policy. This policy would govern not only the type of information the commission could take possession of (or refuse to take possession of), but also under what circumstances, as well as which access, handling and storage protocols would govern that data.” Responses are due on or before August 21, 2015.
New York
The PSC seeks comment on the “White Paper on Ratemaking and Utility Business Models” (White Paper) filed by the Department of Public Service Staff in the Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding. The scope of this White Paper is limited to ratemaking issues, including the utility business model and earnings opportunities, the ratemaking process, and rate design. (Earlier this month the Staff released a White Paper detailing the “Benefit-Cost Analysis in the Reforming Energy Vision Proceeding.” See the Regulatory Mix dated 7/10/15.) The White Paper concludes with a list of 22 proposals and key issues that parties may comment on. Comments are due by October 5, 2015; reply comments by November 1, 2015. Click here for links to the White Paper and Notice Inviting Comment issued on 7/28/15.
The next collaborative meeting to investigate and evaluate operational issues required for consolidated Energy Service Companies (ESCO) billing (CEB) (including how CEB can be constructed to be consistent with PSC rules and regulations including those governing termination of service for non-payment) on August 19, 2015.