Manage Your Product Rollouts
Knowing the tariff filing intervals and customer notice requirements for each of your operating states is an important part of your marketing and regulatory planning. Inteserra’s Tariff Filing Intervals and Customer Notice Requirements spreadsheet enables you to strategically manage your product rollouts and not be caught off guard by requirements for notifying customers of changes.
For Use By CLECs, VoIPs, IXCs, Wireless Providers, OSPs and ILECs
From start-up to established provider, we supply each subscriber with useful, dependable, information that is easily understood and implemented.
- State-by-state information on filing requirements
- Changes to text, terms and conditions and rates
- Customer Notices, including time frames and methods of implementation
- New service offerings and promotions
We know the when, the how, and the who
From start-up to established provider, we supply each subscriber with useful, dependable, information that is easily understood and implemented.
- Dedicated team monitors all jurisdictions for rate /regulatory changes
- Web-based solutions with customizable features to fit your individual needs
- Generate reports for your executive team, market plans, and product strategies
- Customized, targeted research
Managed Compliance as a Service
Finally - a trusted partner for managing all your compliance obligations