Today’s Regulatory Mix:  FCC’s May 2021 Open Meeting Agenda, Iowa Broadband Bill Signed into Law 


FCC meeting room-1-1FCC’s May 2021 Open Meeting Agenda 

According to a statement issued by Acting FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel, the FCC will consider the following issues at its May, 2021 open meeting: rates for incarcerated people; Video Relay Services compensation rates; revisions to rules affecting implementation of STIR/SHAKEN for small carriers; policy clarification for mergers; and enforcement matters. 








Iowa Cap Dome

Iowa Broadband Bill Signed into Law 

In an effort to expand broadband Internet throughout the state, Governor Kim Reynolds signed House File 848 which devotes $100 million to fund grants for broadband providers.  The new law prioritizes areas of the state with the slowest speeds.  Service providers may apply to have the state pay for as much as 75 percent of the cost of a broadband expansion project when it increases the upload and download speeds to 100 megabytes per second. Contribution from the state falls to 35 percent in areas with an existing internet system, but where improvements would speed up the service. 



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