Today’s Regulatory Mix: FCC Announces New Outreach and Education Website, Minnesota Governor Announces New National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call Centers


FCC Entrance Feb 2020 Shutterstock-1FCC Announces New Outreach and Education Website 

Federal Communications Commission Acting Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel announced this morning that the FCC is seeking outreach partners to help share important consumer information about the Emergency Broadband Benefit – an FCC program being developed to provide relief to households that are struggling to pay for internet service during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

As part of the effort to inform consumers about the upcoming Emergency Broadband Benefit, the FCC has established a new website where stakeholders can sign up to help promote this new program. The website can be found at As the program is developed, the website will also be a resource for consumers and stakeholders to get the latest information on the Emergency Broadband Benefit. 

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MN Capitol Bldg shutterstockMinnesota Governor Announces New National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call Centers 

Governor Tim Walz announced that Minnesota callers seeking support through the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline will now receive fast, localized support thanks to the opening of four new call centers in Minnesota. 

It is paramount that we prioritize the mental health needs of Minnesotans, particularly as the COVID-19 pandemic has presented many unprecedented challenges. We know that this has been an incredibly difficult time for Minnesotans,” said Governor Walz. “These four new call centers will ensure Minnesotans receive fast access to trained counselors locally. If you need help, please reach out. The Lifeline network is a free and confidential resource available 24/7 to everyone.” 

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