Today’s Regulatory Mix: USAC Announces Emergency Broadband Benefit Program Updates


USAC Announces EBB Program Updates 

USAC issued its June newsletter regarding the status of the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBB Program).  On June 15, 2021, USAC launched the Check Application Status tool. This allows service providers with National Verifier accounts to enter a consumer’s National Verifier application ID, full name, and date of birth. The tool will return information about the status of that consumer’s application (approved, incomplete, needs more documents).  It also provides information to help the service provider successfully enroll the consumer in the National Lifeline Accountability Database (NLAD), including the consumer’s address as it appears in the National Verifier, whether they qualified using an SSN4 or alternative identity verification, and whether they qualified through a child or dependent. 

USAC anticipates releasing the Application ID Enrollment feature on June 23, 2021. This will allow service providers to directly enroll subscribers into NLAD using the consumer’s EBB Program application ID from the National Verifier, their first and last name, and their date of birth. USAC will provide technical specifications for the tool prior to its release.


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