The Regulatory Mix, TMI’s daily blog of regulatory activities, is a snapshot of PUC, FCC, legislative, and occasionally court issues that our regulatory monitoring team uncovers each day. Depending on their significance, some items may be the subject of a TMI Briefing.
US Congress
The House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology will hold a hearing on October 27, 2015, entitled, “Common Carrier Regulation of the Internet: Investment Impacts.” Members will review “the economic impacts of the FCC’s decision to implement heavy-handed utility-style regulation of the Internet.” The subcommittee will examine the effect of the commission’s rule on investment and deployment of broadband networks and what that means for American consumers, jobs, and innovation. Subcommittee Chair Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR) said “We’re less than a year removed from the commission’s vote for Title II and common carrier regulation of the internet, and we’re already seeing the ripple effect of economic harm. Rather than heed bipartisan calls for a true light touch as our legislation would do, the commission did an end run in the opposite direction. These misguided rules are now having serious ramifications on how quickly consumers can expect upgrades and innovation in their Internet service. We are undeterred as job creation and economic growth are still our top priorities. Next generation breakthroughs and advancements are on the line, and our work continues on behalf of consumers.”
The FCC announced that it will release robocall and telemarketing consumer complaint data weekly to help developers build and improve “do-not-disturb” technologies that allow consumers to block or filter unwanted calls and texts. The data, including originating phone numbers of telemarketers and automated robocalls, is available on the FCC’s Consumer Help Center’s website at The data is similar to the data released periodically by the Federal Trade Commission. “Do Not Disturb” technologies use this information to determine what numbers might be originating unwanted calls. Companies may use data like this to further improve their services in determining what calls and texts a consumer might choose to block or filter (i.e. sent directly to voicemail). In June, the Commission gave the green light for do-not-disturb technology, clarifying that there are no legal barriers to service providers offering robocall-blocking technologies to consumers. TMI Briefing Service subscribers see Briefing dated 7/21/15.
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