TMI’s employees wave goodbye to 2015 and welcome a fresh new year with the arrival of 2016.
Connie Wightman |
Gratitude is an over-used word. It is also inadequate to describe how my world is made whole by my friends, family, and colleagues. They share good and bad times; they comfort; they inspire. I am truly grateful. |
Ann Kemp
Personally, 2015 is a year to which I am more than ready to say “goodbye.” Professionally, 2015 was amazing as we worked hard with TTR to launch the new 911 Rate LookUp. I love the challenge and hard work. Ready to see what 2016 brings.
Tammie King |
2015 certainly has been fun! Made it through my first annual reporting season! It has been my pleasure to continue to work with all of my clients and welcome several new clients. It was also wonderful to get to actually meet several clients in person when they attended our Spring and Fall Seminars!! I hope everyone has a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2016! |
JG |
A Must Do for your Bucket List!! |
Phyllis Miller |
Alex Fernandez |
As we bid farewell to 2015, here’s to health, happiness, and prosperity in 2016 and beyond! |
Tom Forte |
As I look back on 2015 I realize how grateful I am for my family. And not just my intimate family but my extended family as well. I have been blessed with two wonderful siblings as well as men and women who, over the years and in various situations, have become like siblings to me. Don’t forget to take time to let those in your life know how much they mean to you. It will do both of you good! |
Trish Kirby |
Here we are saying goodbye to another great year and welcoming in a new. Happy New Year! |
Kimberly Gueder |
The highlight of 2015 for me was that this summer on my mission trip to Bolivia I began sponsoring a 7 year old boy named Joel from the life center I spend 2 weeks at each year. I am so blessed and thankful to be able to sponsor one of the boys finally. I received my first letter from him and an ornament he made for me this week, and I am so very excited to go see him again next June! |
IM |
In March of this year I lost my father. He was 88 and lived a full life. He always saw the upside of everything and made friends wherever he went. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of him.
Debbie Gainor |
I’m so grateful for the new clients I’ve had the pleasure of working with this year and the existing clients with whom I’ve been able to build stronger alliances. It gives me great joy when a client comes to me for guidance and I can meet their business need. To all TMI’s clients, I wish you and your families a very merry Christmas and peace throughout the upcoming year. |
Pat Atkisson |
TMI Compliance fills my day, especially telecommunications compliance. With daily contact between staff at State and Federal Agencies, as well as, Program Administrators of those funds for which we provide compliance and reporting services, this could be a tedious task. However, that activity has been made easier because of those dedicated people who have extended extra effort to provide their assistance. I am thankful for each and every one of them and look forward to more opportunities to interact again in 2016! |
Ken Yeager |
Best things about 2015 for me: I got to touch the waters of the Pacific Ocean, see a sea lion in the wild and crossed the Golden Gate Bridge. I reached my 20 year anniversary with TMI, and I am especially grateful for my friends and family which includes my animal pack. Most important lesson learned in 2015: “The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.” Harriet Beecher Stowe My wish for 2016: More time in the saddle of a new bike. |
Ricardo Lattimore |
2015 was quite a devastating year for us here at TMI. We lost one of the most interesting, thoughtful, kind, and generous individuals at this company. His absence has left a void in our hearts and souls that will never be filled. May you rest in peace, Rick Johnson. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you. You are missed and although we will not forget about you in 2016, hopefully we’ll be able to continue healing and to strive to increase our productivity at this wonderful company you assisted in starting. I see this as our way of showing gratitude and appreciation for all that you did for us. Your spirit will guide us through the years to come. Thank you for touching our lives in such a significant way. |
Fran Martens |
The roller coaster ride of 2015 is about to end, a year that has given our Technologies Management, Inc. family great joy and sorrow. In 2015 we demonstrated what considerable strength we are capable of. 2016 promises a fresh start with limitless possibilities and I am grateful to usher in a new year with these fine people. Happy New Year, everyone! |
Marie Simpson |
Another year is gracefully ending whether days past brought us joy or ailed us with life’s unstoppable rhythm. And now, the phenomenon that takes place in mostly everyone’s heart is set in motion – Hope. Whether the introduction to 2016 warrants the intention to lose weight, quit smoking, get out of debt, or helping others, let Hope continue to be your motivation for good health, prosperity, and great memories. Happy New Year! |
Karen Ritter |
2015 brought its share of sadness, but I was reminded how blessed I am to be surrounded by wonderful family and friends, including my TMI family. I look forward to new adventures and making more memories in 2016! |
Alton Brown |
2015 was a year full of new experiences and change for me. I was able to travel overseas for the first time and observe life in other countries. I also got married to the love of my life! I look forward to discovering the things 2016 has lined up for me. |
Sharon Warren |
I can’t believe another year has passed by so quickly. . . as I approach my 2 year anniversary here at TMI, I am reminded of the wonderfully supportive staff I have the privilege of working with every day. There was so much activity in 2015 for telecom regulation, some of which include the new rules allowing VoIP providers to receive numbering resources, new FCC Inmate rate caps, special access data collection, changes to the 477 reporting and new rural call completion reporting requirements. I’m looking forward to 2016 as we begin to implement these new rules and reporting requirement . . . and anxious to see what else this next year has in store for us! As the new year approaches I’d remind everyone to be thankful for everything that you have, you and your loved one’s health, give a hug to someone in need, kiss your pets and let’s get ready for 2016!! |
Grace Stanley |
As we close on 2015, I just want to say how grateful I am to work with such wonderful clients, commission staff, and especially, my co-workers. I wish you all a 2016 filled with good health, prosperity, and joy! |
Charity Arner |
I have successfully completed one full year as a TMI employee in 2015! I am excited about everything that I have learned. Always looking for a challenge, I have added Secretary of State application filings to my duties at TMI. In 2016, I hope to expand my role in our compliance reporting department, do some traveling, and continue my education. Happy New Year to all. |
Sharon Thomas |
Happy New Year! |