The Regulatory Mix, TMI’s daily blog of regulatory activities, is a snapshot of PUC, FCC, legislative, and occasionally court, issues that our regulatory monitoring team uncovers each day. Depending on their significance, some items may be the subject of a TMI Regulatory Bulletin (our popular subscription service). Most will simply be activities that we felt would be of interest to our blog followers. We plan to post a fresh list every morning between 10 AM and 11 AM.
The FCC announced the comment dates in its proceeding to adopt rules to allow interconnected VoIP providers to obtain numbers directly from the number administrators. Comments are due July 19, 2013; reply comments are due August 19, 2013
Oral arguments are scheduled for September 9, 2013, in the court appeal of the FCC’s Open Internet rules.
The PUC approved the new CenturyLink QC Colorado Performance Assurance Plan (CPAP). All existing Interconnection Agreements that contain the CPAP are modified effective July 1, 2013, to incorporate the new CPAP without the need for further filings or Commission approvals.
The PURA issued a draft decision concerning implementation of the 959 area code overlay and consumer education program. Watch for a TMI Bulletin when the Decision is released.
Rhode Island
A new law clarifies that neither the PUC nor the Div. of Public Utilities and Carriers have jurisdiction or authority over wireless service providers. Watch for a TMI Bulletin.
The PUC confirmed FirstEnergy’s transaction to consolidate deferred costs, resulting in a savings of approximately $106 million to the company’s customers. This was the first use of the recently enacted Securitization Act.
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