tmi and autumn in floridaThe subtle changes in the weather for October through January in Central Florida are lovely. As a non-native of the land of eternal summer, I have come to appreciate the softer, more romantic angle of the sun. The shadows it now casts are quite different from what we see during the very long, hot summer months. While we cannot experience the explosion of color from the changing of Maple, Oak, Dogwood, or even golden Aspen leaves, we can enjoy one thing that all gulf coast states and the peninsula of Florida can truly appreciate . . . THE DROP IN HUMIDITY LEVELS.


Why are the humidity levels so important, you ask? Florida is one of those sticky locations where you can actually grow broccoli in the shower if you are not diligent in guarding grout against this extra steamy environment. Other surfaces are under constant attack from mold and mildew during the summer months like concrete patios, driveways, roof tops, siding, leather goods (shoes, belts, hats, and handbags), books, and more. Even wood and stone surfaces feel damp in the most drastically artificially cooled locations.


Yes, those glorious days of summer are over (the six to seven months of the year, when every day is a bad hair day and the air is thicker than the steam room at your health club). I learned my lesson the hard way when I first landed in the land of Mickey Mouse. I had a really great baseball glove stored in what I thought was an airtight container in an air conditioned closet. HA! I had not played any baseball since earlier that spring. In late October, I removed my treasure from its container to winterize it. My baseball glove had become fuzzier than a Wookie at a Star Wars convention – and it was green. Let’s not mention the interesting scent it was giving off. Try as I might to restore it, a few days later with tear stained cheeks I was forced to trash my faithful ball glove. From that day forward, I armed myself and everyone in my household with mold and mildew fighting agents, spray bottles, brushes, and drying utensils. You can understand why my family is happy to see October arrive when we open our windows to let the fresh air in, throw out the buckets of DampRid – – and the piquant scent of chlorine bleach is swept from our lives for the months of October through February.


So, welcome autumn. Welcome cool breezes and switching to Daylight Savings time. Welcome all those who come to Florida during the fall and winter months to warm up. I salute you and hope you understand my glee at the change in our weather and that leads me (and many fellow Floridians) to say all too often, “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.” It truly is.



At Technologies Management, Inc., we are hosting our Fall 2013 Telecom Regulatory Seminar October 24 & 25. Attendees can enjoy cool mornings in the high 60’s and toasty golden afternoons in the 80’s. We look forward to seeing you here at our headquarters. No broccoli in the shower, we promise.


mouldy orange