Bolivia journeyThis week I am heading back to Cochabamba, Bolivia for 10 days to an all boys Life Center (orphanage) with my family. We are very excited to be returning to Bolivia, especially since we found out that our work project will be helping build a car maintenance shed on the property, including digging a hole for a container to hold the old oil when the boys learn to change the oil.


We had a month to gather up tools to donate that will fill this shed with wrenches, pliers, saws, drills, and everything they need to make this a functional way to teach these boys a skill that will help them as they grow up and venture out into the world.


Unlike the other members in my family, I love to work on cars, so this sounds like a wonderful opportunity for me and for these boys. I would love to stay and learn right along with them! They will be able to maintain their own buses, which I hope will give them more confidence in what they can achieve.


The first time I went to Bolivia, our job was creating a base out of large rocks that later turned into a Signed Wall in Boliviahuge court for soccer and basketball games. Somewhere under that slab of concrete in Bolivia, there’s a rock with my name on it. That was a physically tough project, as this year’s will be, but both are so rewarding in such completely different ways. 


I can’t wait to get back and share more pictures and stories about the kids, both in the Center and in other areas around Cochabamba we will visit.