As everyone prepares for the Labor Day Weekend and fall approaches, we thought it was a good time to escape the world of compliance deadlines and telecom regulations. Please enjoy some of the things we like best about our pet friends and all the photos.
Here is what Connie says about her friends,
“Eddie the Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse – besides his smooth, power-glide ride, he is a gentle soul who loves his human friends as much as he loves his equine buddies. He picks his feed dish up when he finished eating and tosses is over the fence.”
“Dude and Trooper – ready for action, any day, any time.”
“Willow the Bulldog – the best seat warmer on the farm. She will sit on the golf cart for hours just waiting for it to take her somewhere. Or not.”
“Mini Trooper – when he is nice he is very, very nice. When he is naughty, all bets are off.”
Nice Trooper
Naughty Tropper
From Trish, what she likes about her friend, Snook . . .
“That smile – on command, even”
AK says that what she likes best is,”Kozmo’s youthful exuberance. (Although he’s 84 in dog years!).”
From Kimberly,
“My chocolate lab, Hazel, was nicknamed “Goober” because she was truly a chocolate covered nut. She spent 50% of her time in our pool and 50% sleeping on her back with her legs up in the air and snoring. She was a big puppy and grew to about 120 lbs, and still thought she was a lap dog. One favorite memory was when I boarded her one vacation and would watch her online every afternoon as she would knock the little dogs out of the kiddie pool and lay down in it until all the water sloshed out.”
And Pat says,
“My cat Jewel is unique. She likes to stare at things upside down. Here’s one of her many poses.”
KR says she likes . . . “Waking up to kitty’s gentle nudge and soft purring is the best alarm clock!”
From ST, “They’re sweet, they’re funny, they’re smart….what’s not to love?”
Sally & Lucy
Mary Ann says, “What can I tell you about my Wally? He is the man I should have married in a fur body. Comes and kisses me every morning when I wake; and waits for me to return home in the evening – with more kisses. Loves me unconditionally! He is also loved by all my community who know him by name. It is definitely WALLY’S WORLD in my neighborhood.”
And Alton says, “What I like most about my pets!?! They keep me company most of my days and never ask for much in return. Well, Abigail nags me quite a bit. But Oliver could care less. Who am I kidding!!! These cats drive me nuts on a daily! Oliver bullying me when I’m trying to watch TV by sitting behind me and tap my back when I’m not looking. Or Abigail’s constant “LOOK AT ME NOW” meow. But I love them
and would be lost without my babies.”
What SW says she likes . . . “What I like most… I would say it would be the way they greet me at the door every day like as though they haven’t seen me in ages! They are awesome watch dogs, which gives me peace of mind that my house is safe while I’m away… they never complain and love to snuggle close to us when we’re watching tv!”
Molly & Lukas
And from Phyllis,
“There’s nothing like the unconditional love of my canine friends Trixie, Oscar, Simon, Gus & Lucy.”
Ken says, “Frank is always down for the Holidays!”
From Fran,
“Girlie was a sweetheart. Her AKC name was Beauregard’s Big Girl! (Her daddy was Beauregard.) She was a beautiful long haired Bassett Hound who loved to chase critters in the back yard or just snooze by your feet in the den. She had an extra-long doggie life and was well loved. She went off to be with her friends in doggie heaven just two days after her 13th birthday.”
JDJ says, “Emma is ALWAYS HAPPY. From the moment she opens her eyes in the morning until she drifts off to sleep in the evening.”
“She assumes that all holidays were established to give her some lovely vignette to pose in front of.”
Enjoy your weekend with friends and family and don’t forget your pets.